WWE.com Restrictive: Lana affirms engagement to Rusev

As initially reported by TMZ, previous U.S. Champion Rusev and Lana are locked in. The Bewitching Russian had been impractically connected to Dolph Ziggler as of late and Rusev handled a proposition from Summer Rae simply a week ago, yet no doubt any waiting issues between the force couple have been determined. Lana affirmed as much when gone after remark by WWE.com.

"It's extremely clear Rusev proposed to me," said Lana. "In the event that you viewed Rusev and Summer, Rusev has constantly cherished me. He was just so crushed about me picking Dolph that he ran with Summer to make me desirous. Be that as it may, toward the day's end, we know we're beneficial for one another."

The Beguiling Russian explained that the engagement was inspired both by sentimental intrigue and something significantly more urgent toward the Eastern European locals: self-safeguarding.

"I am from the previous Soviet Union; Rusev experienced childhood in Bulgaria, and one consistent theme they show you there is to survive," said Lana. "The winters get exceptionally icy and they get extremely dull. We do what we have to do to survive. This is what is going on. We will be leaving the best legacy this organization and the WWE Universe has ever seen."

While Lana harbored no hard affections for The Hotshot — "He's exceptionally interesting and he's enchanting, however he is not The Super Competitor" — she likewise anticipated getting Rusev back to brutish roots after Summer Rae uncovered a milder side of the previous U.S. Champion.

"With me, Rusev was the undefeated Super Competitor. He listened to what I said, he was exceptionally engaged. We improved one another. He tested me and I tested him. Summer has made him so delicate that he hasn't won. You let me know, who is the better.

WWE Label Group Champions The New Day def. Dignitary Ambrose and Randy Orton

CHICAGO — The Power is running late, Kane is running the show (howdy, headliner Logger Match against Seth Rollins), and The New Day grabbed right where they exited off a week ago, taking out Senior member Ambrose and Randy Orton in an off the cuff label match against the quibbling fan top choices, sorted out by the Chief of Operations himself to begin the appear.

To say The New Day ran roughshod over the Shield and Development veterans would be a touch of an exaggeration; Ambrose and Orton's science left Enormous E, surprisingly, on the ropes for a decent lump of the match. In any case, miscommunication immediately raised its head and The New Day gelled where their adversaries went to pieces when Kofi pushed Orton into Ambrose mid-RKO and sprang with a rollup to the reeling Snake. Intense misfortune to #POP. Perhaps Ambrose and The Dudleys will passage better on SmackDow

Nikki Bella def. Naomi

The WWE Universe still needs Sasha Banks, which, incidentally enough, may wind up being awful news for Group B.A.D. The boisterous Chicago swarm's serenades for the newly stamped WWE Iron Lady tormented the previous Funkadactyl all through her match with Nikki Bella, prompting a Blustery City blowback of incredible scale amid an incensed rally for Naomi. Brie Bella egged the WWE Universe to cheer for The Supervisor great hit her step. The clamor tossed the B.A.D. nonentity off her cadence sufficiently ache for Nikki to lay Naomi out with a lower arm, hit the Rack Assault and run home with the win.

U.S. Champion John Cena def. Dolph Ziggler

Between losing his sweetheart and losing a U.S. Title Match, credit this to the uncommon day where you don't wish you were Dolph Ziggler. Despite the fact that The Hotshot figured out how to maintain a strategic distance from a backstage trap this time around, the previous World Heavyweight Champion's troubles from a week ago tailed him into John Cena's U.S. Open Test when The Champ emerged ready to take care of business after a cross-mainland flight from Saudi Arabia.

An adventitious engagement proposition in the WWE Universe was only the good to beat all for The Hotshot, however offer credit to Dolph for doing combating his way into the point of interest with a sleeper hold. The Hotshot was obviously twisted on DZtruction when he raked Cena in the eyes and impacted him with a superkick, however it was the same ol' circumstance at last when The Champ shook off a headbutt and a Crisscross and hit a last-heave Disposition Change in accordance with squeeze out the win. Another strong night for Cena, yet the edge of triumph is narrowing.

The Dudley Boyz def. The Rising

The Rising's erratic way to the stars brought a makeshift route practical when Konnor and Viktor went up against The Dudley Boyz on Crude and got themselves steamrolled by the Demeanor Time veterans. An early burst of hostility aside, the group that made their name on running down WWE Legends wound up trying to go back on what was said when the Dudleys, who kept Konnor out of the match altogether, twofold teamed Viktor with the Doomsday Gadget and 3D in short request. Affirm.

Lord Barrett and Sheamus def. Cesaro and Neville

While Tyson Kidd recovers from his damage, it would appear that Cesaro has discovered his way once again into the label group division by uniting with Neville for an all-European slugfest against Ruler Barrett and Sheamus. On the off chance that the blending wasn't the #BestTeamEver, it was positively a decent one, uncovering a strong science between Cesaro's superhuman quality and the airborne marvel of The Man That Gravity Overlooked. In the event that just it had finished better.

It was all grins for Cesaro and Neville when The Swiss Superman took the Ruler and the Celt out with a huge number of European uppercuts, at last dropping the WWE Universe's aggregate jaws by Gorilla Squeezing Neville onto both men outside the ring. Yet, with Sheamus on the metaphorical ropes, Mr. Cash in the Bank revived by pushing Neville into the strict ones. The move gave enough diversion to the authority for Barrett to jump with an unlawful Bull Sledge, setting up the pinfall while Cesaro gave pursue.

Roman Rules def. Braun Strowman by means of Tally out

As the represent the deciding moment confrontation between Roman Rules and Bawl Wyatt approaches, The Enormous Puppy handled a major hit to The Wyatt Family — but by detail — to the detriment of the commonly relentless Braun Strowman. Generally, Rules' hit-hard-hit-regularly offense yielded about as much profits as headbutting a block divider. Be that as it may, once Rules had Strowman stranded on the outside he settled for what he could get, pummeling the enormous man's vault against the discourse table, frustrating a meddling Luke Harper and barely beating the check.

Ryback def. Rusev

It's been an all over day for Rusev, who went from the ecstasy of engagement to an exclusive Valentine's Day Slaughter because of Ryback hours after Lana affirmed news of their compromise and engagement. Brandishing a Komen-style pink singlet perusing "Nourish THE CURE," The Enormous Fellow shook off an in number opening from Rusev and rather devoured upon The Bulgarian Animal, leaving Summer Rae to pick the bones. With her "Ru-Ru" as yet reeling, Summer signaled up the photographs from TMZ, offended Rusev's masculinity, and slapped him over the face. Smashing.

Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens def. Kalisto

In the event that this entire "Battle Owens Battle" thing doesn't work out for him, great to know Kevin Owens has a reinforcement vocation lined up as a dragonslayer. Hot off the heels of his triumph over Sin Cara, the Intercontinental Champion moved over the other portion of The Lucha Monsters, Kalisto, in one-on-one activity on Crude. The previous NXT Label Group Champion utilized his pace further bolstering his good fortune, at first driving KO to play catchup. When Owens got his hands on Kalisto, on the other hand, it was, well, a KO: Owens got Kalisto midair amid a hurricanrana endeavor and powerbombed him into the mat. Splat. Match over.

Brie Bella and Alicia Fox def. Divas Champion Charlotte and Becky Lynch

Charlotte and Becky Lynch are all alone as BFFs, however the "CB" in "PCB" can't exactly shake their "P" issue just yet. Despite the fact that Natalya has turned into the veteran partner of the Divas Progressives, Paige was sneaking at discourse for their label group challenge against Brie Bella and Alicia Fox. What's more, she got included, as well, overturning things generally as Charlotte moved over Brie Bella. That obstruction prompted a scrum between each Diva in circle of the ring, the upside of which was that Brie, in a strong show of moxie, gave Group Bella its second win of the night with a rocket dropkick to the Divas' sternum.

Kane def. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins

As we all know, Corporate Kane's a really pleasant gentleman. In any case, to summarize a renowned Chicagoan, never confuse benevolence for shortcoming: The Chief of Operations reacted to The Power's — still marooned mid-travel — order that he expel himself from the headliner by supplanting himself with … himself. Sort of.

Rather than Corporate Kane, Rollins needed to fight with The Fallen angel's Most loved Evil spirit in a Logger Match and, without backing, The Engineer was between a rock and a hard place making a course for Damnation in a Cell. With a mass of mankind hurling him once more into the ring each time he broke free, Rollins was helpless before The Huge Red Machine until The New Day dragged Kane to the outside, commencing a Dock Six fight in the middle of Loggers and contenders alike. At the point when the dust cleared it was down to Rollins, Kane, and a Headstone with the champion's name on top.


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